Welcome to
Celebrating Neurodivergence
At Diversely Strategised we offer a range of bespoke services to suit the needs of our diverse clients. We celebrate diversity and aim to apply diversely strategised approaches to support our clients in their personal and educational growth as well as help our clients achieve their unique goals and aspirations.
We specialise in personal development coaching and mentoring, non-medical help study skills tutoring and specialist mentoring. We are also passionate about research and training around disability awareness, equality, diversity and inclusion.

Specific learning difficulty and autism spectrum study skills
We are here to help with:
Essay planning and organisation
Techniques to enhance written structure
Research and referencing
Citation and paraphrasing
Proofreading skills
Improving succinctness of academic writing
Action planning
Getting ideas down on paper as intended
PowerPoint presentations, structuring slides and confidence boosting during presentations
Techniques to help improve reading and comprehension
Improve spelling
Getting started on coursework and techniques to avoid procrastination
SMART target setting to enhance productivity in study
Time management and organisation
Exam revision
We take on a student centred approach to providing one-to-one mentoring support to students.
Our specialist mentors support students with physical disability, chronic illnesses, autism spectrum and Asperger's syndrome.
At Diversely Strategised, our mentors work closely with students to assist them in identifying their support needs and promoting independence. Having identified student support needs, our mentors devise tailored support plans unique to each student. We support students in managing coursework deadlines, building resilience, managing time, setting targets and devising effective study routines

What our specialist mentors do
Planning and organisation techniques
Building confidence in coursework activities involving group work and verbal presentations
Managing changes to routine and university life
Help with accessing guidance and wellbeing support
Addressing issues with concentration, motivation and procrastination
Managing coursework requirements and coursework load
Managing anxiety and stress
Managing work/life/study balance
Social communication and interaction
Confidence in coursework involving verbal presentations
Personal development coaching and mentoring
At Diversely Strategised we acknowledge that we all have unique ways of processing information, dealing with conflict, coping with change and working through challenges that present themselves in our daily lives. Our mission is to support our clients in achieving their goals, gain clarity in choices and opportunities, improve wellbeing and develop positive relationships.

Our commitment to you
We are committed to coaching and mentoring our clients in:
Overcoming challenges
Time management
Dealing with social situations
Managing change and problematic situations
Setting achievable goals and targets
Public speaking
Managing stress and burnout
Social communication and interaction
Addressing procrastination
Managing paperwork
Working on anxiety and fear
Becoming empowered
Attaining good work-life balance
Achieving desired goals
Staying focused
Achieving self-actualisation
We recognised that employers are under obligation to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace. We also acknowledge that reasonable adjustments in the workplace should be made based on the unique needs of individual employees with disability.
We know that the concept of reasonable adjustments is broad and is therefore subject to various interpretations which can lead to concerns as to how reasonable adjustments should be made.
Our training sessions encourage employers to engage in healthy and challenging conversations around conceptions, preconceptions and misconceptions of disability and what makes a reasonable adjustment.
Our vibrant, interactive sessions are designed to engage employers in thinking about how impairment can impact employee performance and how reasonable adjustments can be tailored to suit their individual needs.
Training sessions are designed to engage employers in exploring ways to create an inclusive work culture that encourages equal participation and diversity.
At Diversely Strategised we are passionate about discussions around disability, ability, empowerment, learning, academic achievement and attainment. We are here to listen to you and help you address the awareness needs of your educational setting. We deliver interactive and participatory sessions that inspire positive change and prompt discussions around inclusivity, attitudes towards disability and disabled students.
We take on a realistic and practical approach to suggesting and working through inclusive strategies to help raise disability awareness in areas such as:
Identifying barriers to learning and creating a more welcoming and inclusive space for students
Better understanding of how physical and hidden disabilities impact daily life and learning
Adapting support strategies to suit unique needs of students
Applying culturally sensitive person-centred approaches to support provision
Building confidence in supporting disabled students
Integrating the social and medical models of disability into support provision
We also run workshops for children that address issues such as disability and bullying on the playground. We believe that the young child feeling or experiencing a phenomenon is the expert in informing support providers of their need and so we like to hear from them.
Listening to and integrating the voice of the child is at the helm of what we do in our sessions with young children. Our sessions are guided not just by what we as trainers have to deliver, but also by what the young experts tell us.
Listening to and incorporating what young children tell us about disability and their support needs enables us design empowering and appropriate training to suit their needs within their educational setting.

Highly skilled teachers and mentors
Multi-sensory and dynamic approaches to teaching
Child and parent/carer involvement in goal setting
Children learn at their own pace
Outdoor play spaces
Individualised and child centred teaching and learning

Whether your child has a formal diagnosis or not we are here to provide support.
Our approach to tuition and mentoring is specifically designed to meet the individual and unique needs of children with learning disabilities and learning difficulties